To add your designs to the devices/paper/frames etc. there are layers called ‘Add Design Here’ highlighted red.
To find these layers, you will need to expand the main folder of the element you want to edit. For example, if you want to add a design to the ‘Laptop Angle’ element then expand the ‘Laptop Angle’ folder and you will see a layer highlighted red.
To add your design:
1. Simply double click the thumbnail of the ‘Add Design Here’ layer
2. A new tab in Photoshop will open.
3. Go File > Place Linked and select your design.
4. Position the design if needed.
5. Go File > Save. (This is important to update the layer.) Close tab.
Double click on the thumbnail of the ‘Add Design Here’ layer.
Place and scale the design if needed. Save and close the tab.
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