To customise the magazines, expand the folder of the magazine size that you want to edit and then expand the ‘Magazine’ folder. In this folder you will find these options:
The staples can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon of the ‘Staples’ Layer.
Centre Shadow (Open magazines)
The shadow that runs down the centre of the open magazines can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon of the ‘Centre Shadow’ layer. The strength of this shadow may need to be changed depending on the design added to the magazine pages. This can be done by decreasing/increasing the Opacity/Fill sliders.
Highlights (Highlighted Orange)
The Highlights can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon of the Highlights layer. The strength of the highlights may need to be changed depending on the design added to the magazine pages. For example, darker colour designs will probably need to the highlights reducing and very light (white) designs they might need increasing. This can be done by decreasing/increasing the Opacity/Fill sliders.
Page Shadows (In pages folder for open magazines - Highlighted Blue)
If you expand the ‘Pages’ folder there are layers called ‘Shadows’ for the left and right pages. The strength of these shadow may need to be changed depending on the design added to the magazine pages. This can be done by decreasing/increasing the Opacity/Fill sliders.
A dark design with the page shadow is causing some discolouration. To prevent this you can decrease the Fill slider or toggle the shadow off completely as below.
Side Pages (Open magazines only)
The colour of the side pages can be customised by expanding the ‘Side Pages’ folder and then clicking the colour thumbnail of the ‘Side Page Colour’ layer. A colour dialog box will appear and the colour can be a selected. The colour of the side pages may need to be adjusted depending on the design of the main front pages. A darker design will mean that the side pages may appear too bright and therefore can be made darker by selecting a grey colour for example. They can also be made any colour.
There is a texture layer that can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon. The texture layer of the open magazines is found in the ‘Pages’ folder.
Crease (Covers only)
There is a crease layer that can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon.
Magazine Shadows
The magazine shadows can be toggled on/off by clicking the ‘Shadows’ folder eye icon. The shadows can also be adjusted in strength by decreasing/increasing the Opacity/Fill sliders.
Shadow Overlays
Expand the ‘Shadow Overlays’ folder and the toggle on/off the required shadow. The shadows can be adjusted by further expanding the folder and adjusting the Blend Modes and/or the Opacity/Fill sliders. Depending on the designs added to the magazine they may need to be adjusted. Darker colour designs/backgrounds will require the shadows to be reduced and for lighter colour designs/backgrounds the shadows may need increasing.
Texture Overlays
Expand the folder ‘Textured Overlays’ and then expand the ‘Shapes’ folder. Each overlay shape can be toggled on/off by clicking the eye icon. To change the colour of the overlays, further expand the folder and then double click the thumbnail of the ‘Colour’ layer. This brings up a colour dialog box.
To change the background, simply expand the ‘Backgrounds’ group and toggle on/off the desired background. There is also a ‘Colour’ background which can be made any colour by double clicking the layer thumbnail and choosing a colour. Toggling on/off different texture layers and adjusting the Opacity and Fill sliders can produce lots of different effects. You can also choose a different blending mode for the textures such a ‘Colour Burn’ or ‘Linear Burn’. This means that the texture will blend with whatever layer is underneath it.
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